Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Redeeming Time

We have all heard the sayings..... Time is money. You can never get back time that is lost..... and so on.

Well as I was waiting for an appointment a few days ago, I started to think about how many people really don't pay any attention to redeeming time.

I think that redeeming time is one of the most important lessons that a leader should learn when it comes to self-leadership.
If a leader does not redeem the time that he/she has they will always be "busy" but will never be able to actually do things that are necessary to make progress!

This is something I am currently learning and by the grace of God getting better at.

Today, there are many ways that you can redeem time!
Here are some of the ways I try to redeem time:
  1. I listen to podcasts/ CD's while driving, working out and doing work around the house!
  2. I always make sure that I am carrying a book or two so that I can read when I have to wait for people, appointments etc.
  3. I read The Bible and a few blogs on my iphone.
  4. Meditate on the Word.
Another area that I need to get better at is spending time to think. Taking time to think is a great exercise for everyone that needs to become a daily routine. If you want to learn more on that I would recommend John C. Maxwell's book Thinking for a change.

So what are some of the ways you redeem time?

What lesson are you currently learning when it comes to self leadership?