- When a man of God dies, the work of God continues.
- What you are doing as a leader should outlast your life.
- 1 Peter 5:5-6,10,12. Two ways of doing ministry and leadership:
- Pride - Its all about me.
- Grace - Free and unmerited favor of God.
- We are called to STAND - firmly planted.
- Distractions are present even in church and ministry.
- Be who you are. Don't wear someone else's armor. (Saul and David)
- "Know who you are, accept who you are and be who you are"- Chuck Swindoll.
- Many of us try to be on the lists of the greatest and end up on the list of the broken!
- Be what you are - A minister of the Grace of God.
- As a minister of Grace - you CANNOT fail!
- God always equips you to be successful with the things he has called you to.
- Pride and grace can never coexist.
- Pride and organizational leadership will stifle personal ministry.
- It is the grace of God in which we stand. Especially when things get tough.
- Strategies are good but they cannot replace who God has called you to be.
- It is about your motivation and focus.
Tony Morgan was next and you can get his notes here!